Since 1993
Sore, Painful Legs?
Do you experience frequent aches and pains in your legs? Do your legs feel heavy or restless? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you may have varicose veins or a similar venous disease.
Venous disease affects around 25% of all adults and because many people don't recognize the symptoms, it often goes undiagnosed and untreated. You might be one of the millions who suffer from chronic vein pain without realizing it.
Click Here for more information on venous disease.
What Now?
Venous diseases can typically be diagnosed with a quick and simple vein screening performed by a qualified nurse or physician.
Alpine Home Medical sponsors free screenings throughout the year across Utah and Eastern Idaho. Click Here to see your nearest screenings and to find an appointment that works for you.

Find A Screening
Click the button on the right to get started with your free vein screening!